two guys and a missing girl

Friday, March 16, 2007

we are forms of all the things we love.

i find that statement particularly true. i see that in me, some of the things i say are influenced by others. you hear someone that you're close to say it all the time and it starts to grow on you, and you 'inherit' bits and and pieces of their speech. some of the things they do rub off you and you also carry out those actions.

knowingly or unknowingly, there is a little part of our loved ones in all of us. even their values and beliefs, attitudes, speech, are reflected in us.

by the same token, we've got Jesus living in each and every one of us. i wonder how many of us actually look at each other and really go, i see Jesus living in you! in the same way, we do reflect aspects of God's character? and what He's like in our long as we keep walking with Him step by step all the way.

i'm confused. i'm lost, but saved. i'm searching, but found. i'm..desperate for mercy. i know i'm alright, safe in the hands of God, but i know i'm not alright too.

brains kinda stopped functioning. not making sense.

Father You are King over the flood
i will be still, know You are God


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