how pro does that look?! a 16 year old schoolgirl took that. (everybody, my godsis, danielle koh wei zhi) and thats singapore. and THATS GORGEOUS. thats competition-worthy okay. like, ARGH!?
its alright, i'm resigned to the fact that there are people who are better than me around, and i'm absolutely cool with that. i'm not so competitive as to compare myself to everyone and stress out when i suck by a considerable margin behind that, though thats stereotypically singaporean.
i guess so long as you do your best for Him in all you do, though it may not be as good as someone else's, so long as you give off your best shot, He knows. just like the parable of the talents, you will receive your due reward at the end (: [u.richard + parable of the talents = pressure-sarah-tool. fairly traumatic.]
i love going around without a handphone XD less things to carry = less things to be responsible of = i'm of less value. and also that means that my friends have got to be uber punctual and all XD and that i've gotta make thorough plans when meeting friends downtown. anyway, after having a phone, you realise there's no big deal about it, so life without a handphone after that is pretty okay (: i remember i used my phone till the last minute before i boarded the plane to perth on the afternoon of jan 16th. about 26 final msgs in there.. still remember the ones from jon, went smth like this:
me: phwoar..everyone in the car's nagging at me.. surround sound man
jon: sound? surround nagging more like it..
yup. occasionally i'll read through the whole bunch of msgs again.. most unfortunately, my act-smart cousin jaron, who is really uncorrupted and innocent, tried hacking into my sim card and failed miserably, LOCKING MY CARD and thus losing the msgs. oh well. God let that happen.
i wanna go back to rotto.
i wanna watch arrested development.
i wanna get term 2 over and done with.
i wanna go to church camp.
i really need a hand warmer. humans appreciatted.
God only knows what i'll be without You
such a nice pic. i'm so lazy and hungry.
i need to eat. and take pics.
i need... err... i derno. You.
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