had a bit of a car accident.
the little white corolla stops at the traffic light, the driver is watching the lights, passenger is humming a Michael Learns To Rock song, back seat passenger is playing with her Motorola.
then we're hit from behind, hard. not one of those little bumps, it's actually a massive BAM. took me a while to realize that it was something ramming us from behind. i just thought, ok, to be honest, i thought the car was being stupid.
it only hurt a bit, tho, thank God, and the driver of the van that hit us was more worried about the people in our car more than anything. he gave my friend a hundred bucks [which he had to draw form the ATM]. i went outside to check out the damage... and, ok, no smashed metal, no broken tail lights.. but the whole back bumper came off. it didn't fall off entirely, but it was just hanging there.

it's all good.
thank God it wasn't a truck.
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