two guys and a missing girl

Friday, November 09, 2007

last day of school - cant believe i made it. at least i made it through the week.

over the year, photog and lit proved to be the best classes - great people in it, always guaranteed fun, lots of great times and just a wonderful learning environment. wont really miss the guys in photog, seeing that i'll see most of them next year and those that i wont see are the ones that spend the lesson gossiping and whatnot, so i wont miss them too much. i've grown attached to some of them (actually just one really, but there might be more), and people still confuse sarah as kim in the photog room.

lol..i guess, just about the same height, uniform's in just about the same proportions, similar-ish hair.. meh. mr netts still got issues with telling us apart.

our table at lit was by far the best - i've never dreaded walking into lit all of this year, we've had our discussions and slack moments, funny moments that kept us rolling on the ground (rama's audacious 'slut' comment in prize giving, armelle on john caina, the asian-ness vs the white-ness...), the pain and joy of receiving essay marks; all the likes. i've really grown to love that little table of ours, we've grown to be quite tight and i've had a great year with them - pity half of us wont be doing lit next year, but this year was great none the less. ms anderson was great, she was really one terrific teacher.

econs was always funny with 'the best teacher in the land' and some idiots in our class. loved the candidness, and i guess it was nice having mr levitske again - for some reason he has a really nice impression of me and he's one of the funniest guys around, it was good having him again.

physics with mr menezies.....what can i really say XD i survived 154 hours of physics this year, and now i'm branded into mr m's memory (cause he has super memory, apparently). sucks also to be only 1 of 4 girls in the class, and he loves picking on me.. but has a tinge of biasedness towards me as well. i have no idea why. well, it was interesting...

intro was cool having a teacher who didnt mind us all eating in class, who was also a chocoholic. and she was cool - she'd see us doing lit/physics/chemistry and tell us to get on with our math the first time, then the second time she comes by she'll pick up our book and help us with our other subjects XD was nice also being entertained by sharon, barbara, jo and moey behind.

chem topsy-turvy over the year. change of teachers, frustration with clark for a whole term =/ slipping grades..haha. was good having amy in my class for a whole year, talked to her a lot while trying to master the skill of calculating limiting reagents while hearing her talk about everything from her parents to hairdressing to her latest favourite song. if anything, chem was great for the bonding. plus being in the lab with bottled animals before moving to the boomerang desks. all good.

seems kinda surreal that my exams are in 2 days, and i am not ready for it. after this time will fly with everything lined up one after another, then it'll be 2008.

everything just happens too fast.

sometimes, i think i just need to slow down, breathe, and just forget about time for a bit.
or start sharing it with people other than myself.

byebye year 11, i guess on hindsight, its been great.
thank You, for all the blessings.


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